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Structurally Speaking

The Rumor Mill: Volume 2

The remodel we call The Southern Roof Expansion involved moving the clearstory windows and increased their size, giving additional light and a second floor with views of the mountains and valley. This work was unanimously approved by the Baca Townhome Association (“BTA”), local HOA, in an April 2022 member meeting vote and completed on time in June 2022. With the exterior erected we looked forward to focusing on its finishing and the interior to open for service that fall.

Coincidently in June 2022 the BTA stopped our progress and demanded a paid consultant be brought on as the BTA representative. We like & respect the individual chosen and agreed, but the BTA ‘dropped the ball’ on following up with a time or cost budget per the BTA’s own review process. Plenty to tell of that some other time. As we were stalled, we moved on to repair and remodel a local home hoping it would sell later that year and provide money for finishing the restaurant. Alas interest rates rose, the covid real estate boom faded and we were lucky to find a renter for over the winter.

Another consequence is the interior stopped receiving attention because our newly onboarded structural engineer required as built plans drawn and time to look over everything. He knows about the local histrionics and after a walk through emphasized there is no reason to suspect the “building is going to fall down”. One area needing additional support is a 30’ span of 11 7/8” BCI Joists, fixed with posts. The second and other issue is the potential for the columns cantilevering, ameliorated by adding 2x4s as shown below. Yes there are more details and this is temporary. The Mezzanine will eventually be divided from the Main Dining Room by a wall with windows and structural sheathing: problem solved.

You can see the newly framed exterior door in the far corner if you look closely which will lead to an exterior staircase to complement the interior stairs located on the west side and from where this photo was taken.

Unfortunately the BTA has repeatedly communicated to members the building is unsafe, encouraging a negative perception of our project and us. Why have they done this? Who is telling you such statements? Has that person spoken with either of us? Don’t be like the BTA – consider reaching out if you hear tales.

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Now or Never

Suddenly it was decision time and we chose go; Alberto has a long job starting soon. Here is the day’s work:

Carpentry today included relocating the east facing window of the Mezzanine northwards to allow for the not fully framed 3’ door providing passage to a yet to be built exterior staircase. An interior staircase is located on the west side. 

The window with the last bit of visible Tyvek was moved to North to allow for a door to an exterior staircase. 

We think the dark gray looks terrific and have imagined a number of colors. The HOA color is not what we would ourselves choose for the building.

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Scaffolding Comes Tomorrow

It’s feeling like fall. There are a few things we want to accomplish before it gets too cold. We’d planned to wait until the exterior was complete before we stoccoed, but the weather is not helping our progress in waiting, the restaurant is en route to opening and it will be great for the building to look more finished; so, onward.

Alberto wants the whole building ready before he starts. This means getting the windows in properly, covering over everything, and then giving him a call. Alberto is generously supporting the effort and ultimately the community by graciously loaning us and helping set up scaffolding. We really appreciate his generosity. I told him it was just Mary and me and I can’t promise how fast we’ll be. We’re hoping a few people who want to see us open this winter will consider our 110% pre purchasing offer so that we can get Alberto and his team here sooner. 

So beautiful here and what a marvelously wet year! Photo from my ride.

I went on a ride today, which was spectacular. Along the way down I met Dale and re=met David also enjoying the trail. Holy smokes that upper section got some loving attention. I too perform trail maintenance now & then and would always join you so do let me know!

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Have You Seen Me?

A Facebook post some years ago read something like: “I wonder if they’ve found my picture in the ceiling?” Is this it? Many people have left their mark on the Sage and we’ve heard beautiful stories about great times. We’d like to part of splendid new stories for you.

We know, you haven’t seen much of us. We’ve been in the trenches. Speaking of which, they’re nearly ready for the pour i.e. new subfloor plumbing to meet health department mandates and the daunting task of replacing the building’s plumbing in entirety are nearly behind us. Putting in Insulation/rebar/pex? Check. Well, any day now.

“The society which scorns excellence in plumbing as a humble activity and tolerates shoddiness in philosophy because it is an exalted activity will have neither good plumbing nor good philosophy: neither its pipes nor its theories will hold water.” – John W. Gardner

Your patience as we manage our situation is appreciated. Looking forward to the day we are able to welcome you inside.

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We are making great progress on the downstairs apartment. It has WD hookups, radiant heat, west views and good light. Very close!

Looking southeast with the exterior door behind on the north wall. The front room we see as being a treatment room for a therapist as the bathroom can be accessible without needing to traverse the house. The small window visible gives natural light and additional air to the bedroom. Yes Mary did all of the mudding & taping.
Northwest view standing in the kitchen. The stacked wood is for the floors; the kitchen & bathroom will be tiled. The door in the middle right of the photo is the apartment’s exterior door.
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Just Exactly How Many Drains?

All the floor drains and floor sinks are now installed and ready for business. Now that the weather is agreeable with epoxy temperature guidelines it is time to attach the rebar stubs, mesh and rebar, lay insulation for the walk-in and omg pour concrete!

The heavy duty (and fancy) drain. This one is where traffic is highest and carts will be wheeled. In the distance is the floor sink for the dishwasher and it’s prep sink.
This view is from the bakery looking SE. The insulation is in the chocolate studio and going in the kitchen’s walk-in refrigerator and freezer. You can see how we’ve dug down in preparation for insulation, pex, and concrete. The dirt we took out was put into the trenches.
The main kitchen’s walk-in refrigerator and freezer drains. There is going to be 4 inches of insulation on the floor before the pour.
That’s the floor sink for the bars, triple sink; on the other side of the wall is the west garden room bathroom, which has its own floor drain of course.
Starting from the bottom: bar walk-in drain, ice machine drain, and the bar’s kitchen drain. Need to move the stove, and for that, I bought a bunch of casters that I’ll mount on boards to go under the stove and be a custom dolly.
Looking at the commercial bathrooms. The left is a unisex and on the right is an ADA. To the right of the photo, though not visible, is the urinal room.

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Look at all the treats from the Alamosa Restore. Plus we were lucky enough to show up on a 50% off day. It looks like a good sized restaurant went out of business; there were 2 more handwash sized sink alas with no faucets not taken. One of the health department reopening requirements were additional hand wash sinks. The light and porcelain sink are for the downstairs apartment which is looking to be completed in April.

We’ve met new people here in Crestone and appreciate the help and advice on navigating what are apparently repeating area patterns.

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Winter Prep Continues

Here we all are at the cusp of winter once again. Last year we had a permanent ice skating rink surrounded by roses from all the water coming off the roof. With the help of the drainage hose those many gallons will be diverted out to where the sun does shine. This is especially important as the goal is to have the plumbing for the old office inspected and ready for concrete when the kitchen trenches are filled in which is hopefully very soon. Long term we are going to direct this resource to landscaping and gardens.

Most of the year has been towards

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Regarding Opening

At last we have a licensed master plumber who has pulled our commercial plumbing permit, a terrific relief. He came yesterday and identified what is needed to pass. This will likely happen likely in September – October. The addition to the team is huge and a painfully long milestone to reach. The subfloor electric then starts once we are past the subfloor plumbing. Plus we have a new electric panel sitting around, totally bored and waiting for attention! Happily we have a licensed master electrician keen to help get us open.