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Structurally Speaking

The Rumor Mill: Volume 2

The remodel we call The Southern Roof Expansion involved moving the clearstory windows and increased their size, giving additional light and a second floor with views of the mountains and valley. This work was unanimously approved by the Baca Townhome Association (“BTA”), local HOA, in an April 2022 member meeting vote and completed on time in June 2022. With the exterior erected we looked forward to focusing on its finishing and the interior to open for service that fall.

Coincidently in June 2022 the BTA stopped our progress and demanded a paid consultant be brought on as the BTA representative. We like & respect the individual chosen and agreed, but the BTA ‘dropped the ball’ on following up with a time or cost budget per the BTA’s own review process. Plenty to tell of that some other time. As we were stalled, we moved on to repair and remodel a local home hoping it would sell later that year and provide money for finishing the restaurant. Alas interest rates rose, the covid real estate boom faded and we were lucky to find a renter for over the winter.

Another consequence is the interior stopped receiving attention because our newly onboarded structural engineer required as built plans drawn and time to look over everything. He knows about the local histrionics and after a walk through emphasized there is no reason to suspect the “building is going to fall down”. One area needing additional support is a 30’ span of 11 7/8” BCI Joists, fixed with posts. The second and other issue is the potential for the columns cantilevering, ameliorated by adding 2x4s as shown below. Yes there are more details and this is temporary. The Mezzanine will eventually be divided from the Main Dining Room by a wall with windows and structural sheathing: problem solved.

You can see the newly framed exterior door in the far corner if you look closely which will lead to an exterior staircase to complement the interior stairs located on the west side and from where this photo was taken.

Unfortunately the BTA has repeatedly communicated to members the building is unsafe, encouraging a negative perception of our project and us. Why have they done this? Who is telling you such statements? Has that person spoken with either of us? Don’t be like the BTA – consider reaching out if you hear tales.

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Scaffolding Comes Tomorrow

It’s feeling like fall. There are a few things we want to accomplish before it gets too cold. We’d planned to wait until the exterior was complete before we stoccoed, but the weather is not helping our progress in waiting, the restaurant is en route to opening and it will be great for the building to look more finished; so, onward.

Alberto wants the whole building ready before he starts. This means getting the windows in properly, covering over everything, and then giving him a call. Alberto is generously supporting the effort and ultimately the community by graciously loaning us and helping set up scaffolding. We really appreciate his generosity. I told him it was just Mary and me and I can’t promise how fast we’ll be. We’re hoping a few people who want to see us open this winter will consider our 110% pre purchasing offer so that we can get Alberto and his team here sooner. 

So beautiful here and what a marvelously wet year! Photo from my ride.

I went on a ride today, which was spectacular. Along the way down I met Dale and re=met David also enjoying the trail. Holy smokes that upper section got some loving attention. I too perform trail maintenance now & then and would always join you so do let me know!

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At Crestone Healing Arts Center

At the time I was focusing on having a record for Teyuna. I didn’t know how precious these moments would be and it brings to mind the importance of being present in any moment. This is a group of people who will never be together again, one very precious soul is no longer physically here. Miss you Sandy.

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The Rumor Mill

“The Board wants to make it absolutely clear that it is not the BTA…preventing Paul & Mary from completing and opening a restaurant  They could have opened the restaurant right after purchasing the Sage.”

= Baca Townhome Association 7/19/2024
The lowest part of the main structure’s roof is the original and now torn down kitchen entrance. The Old office is the furthest right structure in the image taken in May 2022.

We start the rumor mill with a sentence from a multi-paged letter sent from the homeowner’s association adjoining what residents lovingly knew as the Sage.  We’ll make this short and sweet. There’ll be more to come and eventually you’ll know the whole story.

Just one of the ways the BTA prevented us from completing and opening is by blocking our new kitchen entrance.

Background: the existing structure’s door was so low Paul hit his head on it and itself was falling apart. After we tore the original kitchen entrance down the BTA blocked us from building it back presumably because they were worried about an overall net 192 square foot footprint expansion.

Paul cutting for new subfloor back in March 2023

This footprint expansion would enable replacing the plumbing much easier, faster and far less expensive. To be precise, the plumbing of the Sage had to be replaced in it’s entirety. Firstly the health inspectors immediately informed us we’d have to add several handwashing sinks and we soon found there were only two working drains in the kitchen: all others were completely blocked by rusted-out pipe. Replacing an entire building’s plumbing is no easy task and if you check out our blog starting in March 2023 you’ll see just how involved the process has been. We want to keep this light and positive, so all we can say is we’re having as much fun as we possibly can all things considered.

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From Beneath the Bricks

We removed the forced hot air heater and are putting in radiant heat, one of the things we’re doing to make your experience at the Sage’s Hearth comfortable and relaxing. Also, in consideration of a lower carbon footprint we’ll eventually install a methane digester so food scraps can be made into fuel to heat the hot water.

This Scrabble tile was found under the bricks and dirt when prepping the floor for insulation & pex in the main dining room. How did it get below the bricks?

It has been an adventure getting this far with many unexpected twists and turns. Support is needed to get us to the finish line. Are U the 1 who’d like to help? We’re offering win/wins. Two ideas we’ve launched are 110% in credit for pre-purchases and a fun invitation to immortalize your support in the Sage’s Walk of Fame and also join us for scrumptious dinners when the time comes. Each $1000 has your name forever etched in a brick and many tasty perks. Something you’d specifically like to see us offer? Let us know!

This url leads to our PayPal donation page. Many Thanks!!!

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Listening with the Ears of the Heart

This is our message: It’s important the world learns how to listen with the ears of the heart. The ears of the heart allow us to listen to the rocks, to listen to the water, to the mountains, to the trees and to the grass. Nature is constantly communicating with us, but we can’t hear Her song, because we’re trying to hear it with our ears. Nature’s songs must be heard with the heart. Nature itself is the message. When we learn to access the ears of the heart, we will hear Nature’s song.

Mamo Senchina and Jaba Aluka (his wife) have been gifting us with their songs and wisdom for many years now. We’ve deepened in our understanding of the above message and are learning to sing the songs of creation and the cosmos. I’m so grateful. The beauty, grace and wisdom of this message is an ever-evolving blessing.

There are very few openings in our sessions as they’re purposefully intimate, but we have a space or two for new beginners coming up next weekend.

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Where Were You?

In April, 2018 we were in Sedona, AZ as part of our pre-tour road trip for our work with Teyuna. Sixteen Elders wanted to come to North America to do pagamento, a service they were literally born to do whereby they communicate directly with Mother Nature to bring Earth into balance and harmony. North Americans, they said, had been treating Mother Nature badly and natural disasters were on the way. They could, they said, help to mitigate or lesson the damage our country was in store for. They wanted Paul and I to determine “the 4 corners” of the country and then four elders would go to each corner and then meet in the “middle”. So, Paul and I set out to see who would welcome the Teyuna in the “corners” of the country. We especially hoped to meet North American Elders.

We had some plans to go here and there, and tended to focus on places with good mountain biking that were beautiful. We were also on vacation. A magical synchronicity had sent us the Teyuna as we were in transition. Generally we disperse camped. More specifically for this moment, we had found Lawrence Crossing Campground and it was great splashing in the creek in that hot Arizona sun after another spectacular ride.

We met 2 regulars while we stayed. These guys each had a class C RV which certainly had an 8 track player as original equipment. They had a routine of where to go and timed as the year progressed. It sounded like the Butter Test, which is go north or higher elevation of the butter is too soft, and visa versa when appropriate. We all acknowledged it was pretty hot in Sedona and time to contemplate where next to go. They were indeed headed north while we talked about Prescott, family in Tucson, and then nothing definite after that. Then came the momentous words which changed our lives:

How about Crestone?

We’d never even heard of Crestone, but their description of the towering mountains, swift running creeks and the diverse spiritual practices which had taken residence moved us to add it to the list. Still, it was not our next stop and it wasn’t until Taos, NM when it was entered into the GPS following a series of calls with a wonderful woman who encouraged us to come to Crestone to attend a presentation Earth Law was giving. She thought they’d be a great fiscal sponsor for Teyuna and indeed they were!