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Structurally Speaking

The Rumor Mill: Volume 2

The remodel we call The Southern Roof Expansion involved moving the clearstory windows and increased their size, giving additional light and a second floor with views of the mountains and valley. This work was unanimously approved by the Baca Townhome Association (“BTA”), local HOA, in an April 2022 member meeting vote and completed on time in June 2022. With the exterior erected we looked forward to focusing on its finishing and the interior to open for service that fall.

Coincidently in June 2022 the BTA stopped our progress and demanded a paid consultant be brought on as the BTA representative. We like & respect the individual chosen and agreed, but the BTA ‘dropped the ball’ on following up with a time or cost budget per the BTA’s own review process. Plenty to tell of that some other time. As we were stalled, we moved on to repair and remodel a local home hoping it would sell later that year and provide money for finishing the restaurant. Alas interest rates rose, the covid real estate boom faded and we were lucky to find a renter for over the winter.

Another consequence is the interior stopped receiving attention because our newly onboarded structural engineer required as built plans drawn and time to look over everything. He knows about the local histrionics and after a walk through emphasized there is no reason to suspect the “building is going to fall down”. One area needing additional support is a 30’ span of 11 7/8” BCI Joists, fixed with posts. The second and other issue is the potential for the columns cantilevering, ameliorated by adding 2x4s as shown below. Yes there are more details and this is temporary. The Mezzanine will eventually be divided from the Main Dining Room by a wall with windows and structural sheathing: problem solved.

You can see the newly framed exterior door in the far corner if you look closely which will lead to an exterior staircase to complement the interior stairs located on the west side and from where this photo was taken.

Unfortunately the BTA has repeatedly communicated to members the building is unsafe, encouraging a negative perception of our project and us. Why have they done this? Who is telling you such statements? Has that person spoken with either of us? Don’t be like the BTA – consider reaching out if you hear tales.

2 thoughts on “Structurally Speaking

  1. oh man, more dumb Shyt from our local government Democrat/Marxist…

    1. The optional bureaucracy is from people who’d benefit the most from us finishing.

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