On the west side of the restaurant is an apartment. The outbuilding used by Fred and Isaline blocks it some. There was a set of sliding glass doors through which passage to and from the Green Room, the southernmost dining area with all the plants, was possible. It is the first place to benefit from construction.
How is there construction at all? Not joking: out there in the multiverse is one where we are doing all of it. Let’s collectively take a breath and be glad that isn’t the case. Back in this universe, Mary actually was out last fall and simply met Dorell Drake of Drake Construction somewhere and asked if he knew any contractors. That simple.
Well fast forward to January and don’t fall down when you learn that Dorell referred Brett Buchanan who it seems knows all kinds of folks and suddenly we have a crew here on the regular. We are thankful and honored to have this interest and attention from Dorell and Brett.
Here are some photos of what was and where we are now. Ultimately, it’ll be a 2 bedroom with the door on the north currently leading to the courtyard is being moved to the west wall which is also getting a set of sliding doors.